Terms of conditions

Last updated: 01.03.2021

Please read these terms of conditions carefully before using the services offered by Beauty Passport. These terms of conditions set forth the legally binding terms and conditions for your use of our websites and app.

Beauty Passport is an international online platform facilitator (hereinafter “we” or us”), providing a platform that enables users (hereinafter singular “User” and plural “Users”) to tracking beauty procedures, browse cosmetology specialists and view their ratings, creating own beauty plan. 

Our address is 24A Trolley Square #1544, Wilmington, DE 19806-3334 USA, and the platform is owned by Silver Spoon Studio Inc. Beauty Passport can be contacted at https://beautypassport.app

These general terms and conditions (hereafter referred to as “Terms”) apply between Beauty Passport and the User for all use of our websites, beautypassport.app (hereinafter “Web”), and all use of our application for mobile devices (hereinafter “App”). By using the functionalities of Beauty Passport’s Web and/or App (hereinafter collectively called the “Platform”) the User agrees with the terms and conditions described in these Terms for using our Platform as described herein, and as may be amended from time to time by us. If you do not agree with the Terms, you may not use our Platform.

Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the Service.

By accessing or using the Service you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you disagree with any part of the terms then you may not access the Service.

Scope of terms

Silver Spoon Studio Inc. has created a Beauty Passport Platform that enables Users to track beauty procedures, browse cosmetology specialists and view their ratings, creating their own beauty plan. In order to use our Platform, the User must either sign in using a third-party application log-in, e.g. Facebook, Apple Pay, Gmail or fill out a form and create a profile without a third-party application log-in.
Please note that the User may use our Platform without signing up, in which case we will only collect data based on your consent to our cookie policy that you may find in this document.
When registering via our online Platform, the User provides us with certain information, including email, password, username, name, country of origin, preferred language. When registering and signing in via third-party application login (such as Facebook, ApplePay, Gmail), and the User authorize us to access certain account information from that third-party application, such as basic profile information; name, profile picture, e-mail address (optional), current city (optional). Some of this information will never be made public, such as password. Other information can be either hidden by default (email address, country of origin) or public by default (name and profile picture if a third party application signs up). Geolocation will not be disclosed, but the User has the possibility to find cosmetology specialists over the world and left the review as a public user. By accepting these Terms, the User acknowledges that he has read, understood and accepted to be bound by all other related terms and agreements with Beauty Passport, such as our Privacy Policy. 

Beauty Passport as Platform provider

The User is aware that use of the Platform is without any responsibility for Beauty Passport, as Beauty Passport  is only providing the Platform as a service to enable Users to review and read reviews and recommendation on cosmetology procedures and helps to find cosmetology specialists over the world, also Beauty Passport provides recommendation plans to personal beauty care, but not be liable (directly or indirectly) for any losses and damages. Beauty Passport is a Platform provider only, and we are not obliged to provide any background check or qualification and no approval procedure, system or process towards the Users and/or the content of the Platform. In no event shall Beauty Passport be liable (directly or indirectly) for any losses and damages resulting from communications between Users and with possible third-party vendors.

Certain Restrictions

The rights granted to you in these terms of conditions are subject to the following restrictions: 

(a) you shall not license, sell, rent, lease, transfer, assign, reproduce, distribute, host or otherwise commercially exploit Platform or any portion of Platform, including the Web, 

(b) you shall not frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo, or other Platform (including images, text, page layout or form) of Beauty Passport; 

(c) you shall not use any metatags or other “hidden text” using Beauty Passport’s name or trademarks; 

(d) you shall not modify, translate, adapt, merge, make derivative works of, disassemble, decompile, reverse compile or reverse engineer any part of Platform except to the extent the foregoing restrictions are expressly prohibited by applicable law; 

(e) you shall not use any manual or automated software, devices or other processes (including but not limited to spiders, robots, scrapers, crawlers, avatars, data mining tools or the like) to “scrape” or download data from any web pages contained in the Web (except that we grant the operators of public search engines revocable permission to use spiders to copy materials from the Web for the sole purpose of and solely to the extent necessary for creating publicly available searchable indices of the materials, but not caches or archives of such materials); 

(f) you shall not access Platform in order to build a similar or competitive website, application or service; 

(g) except as expressly stated herein, no part of Platform may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted or transmitted in any form or by any means; and 

(h) you shall not remove or destroy any copyright notices or other proprietary markings contained on or in Platform. Any future release, update or other addition to Platform shall be subject to these terms of conditions. Beauty Passport, its suppliers and service providers reserve all rights not granted in these terms of conditions. Any unauthorized use of the Platform terminates the licenses granted by Beauty Passport pursuant to these terms of conditions.

The User’s obligations

The User must at all times:
Provide Beauty Passport with correct account information of name, address and e-mail address, etc.
Respect and comply with these Terms.
Avoid posting personal data concerning itself or other, including especially special categories of data (such as information about a person’s health, addictions or allergies) or transmitting any content that is offensive, inappropriate or illegal, or otherwise in conflict with these Terms.
Avoid posting any content that infringes or violates another person’s rights (including intellectual property rights, and rights of privacy and publicity).
Failure to comply with the above may resolve in our deactivation of User account and/or banishment from the Platform and/or the functionalities with any notice or without notice at the sole discretion of Beauty Passport.
Using the Platform, the App or some of the functionalities may be prohibited or restricted in certain countries. The User is responsible for complying with the laws and regulations of the territory from which the Platform is accessed or used.

Platform functionalities

In order to gain access to the functionalities of the Platform, the User has to sign up and register as a User of the Platform.
The User is solely responsible for any content of reviews, posting pictures and information made available on the Platform and the public.
The User solely is responsible for all interactions with other Users or other third-party vendors in connection with the Platform.

Maintenance and support

In order to gain access to the functionalities of the Platform, the User has to The User is responsible for installing any available updates to the App. We have no responsibility for incidents due to missing updates, or otherwise.

Beauty Passport’s Warranty

We do not provide any warranty unless specific and expressly stated.
Third-party terms may include applicable disclaimers.
Beauty Passport underlines that it offers no warranty, explicit or implied, regarding accuracy of any reviews or information regarding the procedures or cosmetology specialists.

Liability limitation

Due to the nature of the services provided, in general no liability incurs with Beauty Passport, as any potential liability lies with the Users.
If in extraordinary cases Beauty Passport  should be liable, such liability is limited in the following ways:

— no indirect loss is covered, including but not limited to loss of data, revenue loss, edition sales, etc.;

— damages are under any circumstances limited to $500 USD;

— only claims based on gross negligence or intent of Beauty Passport can be filed.

Beauty Passport is never liable for errors on the Platform, or underlying software, the services or any information provided by Users. The Platform and all its functionalities are provided to the User “as is”.

Duration and Termination

These Terms are in force for as long as the Users account is active.
Beauty Passport is entitled to terminate a user account immediately if the User violates the regulations of these Terms.
Beauty Passport’s rights to user content shall not be affected by the termination of the Terms or a user account.
Termination of a user account does not relieve you from any obligation under any other agreement that has not been specifically terminated, such as the Terms or Privacy Policy.


These Terms may from time to time be amended at Beauty Passport’s sole discretion, followed by a notification to the Users. Users are bound by any changes to the Terms when using the Platform after changes have been posted.
An updated version of the Terms will at all-time be available at https://beautypassport.app


If a clause in the Terms is not enforceable, the unenforceability of that clause will not affect any other sections of the Terms.

Law and venue

These Terms and any disputes arising hereof, or other disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with the use of the Platform shall be settled in accordance with USA law by the City Court of Wilmington, Delaware.

© 2020 Beauty Passport, All Rights Reserved